Tuesday, December 15, 2009

halfway there . . . meet me halfway.

As of this writing, I am halfway on the flight from BOS to SFO and also halfway done with law school. It naturally made sense to posit a theme dealing with halfness.

It is so so nice to feel a sense of relief that finals madness is over. After my final yesterday, I spent a glorious day with friends at two beer gardens with burgers and all you can eat wings, packed and cleaned up my entire apartment, and just basked in the fact that I could relax and finally have a life again.

This past semester has been such a challenging and fulfilling one for me. From clinic to journal to APALSA to schoolwork to running all the time, I have learned so much about myself, who I want to become, and what I value in life. I knew that this year was going to be a pivotal one for me in determining the course of my life and I have not been proven wrong. People say that 2L year is a lot easier than 1L, but I think that it is much busier, but nice because we have more of a sense of what it is that drives us.

Now I will be spending a little less than three weeks in the Bay Area and then about a week in Florida for some Disney adventures and the marathon. I still cannot believe that we are in the midst of a new year, which is sure to bring new stresses, revelations, and joys. I am excited not to necessarily turn over a new leaf, but to continue to grow.

After all, isn't the cup half full?

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