Sunday, November 2, 2008

Día de los Muertos

November has come upon us and as any law student knows, this means we have reached the point of the semester fondly known as "crunch time." It's a little disheartening to go from having AMAZING Halloween festivities to buckling down for the rest of the term, but I guess we all have to go out with a bang.

We had an extra hour of sleep last night (or possibly an extra hour of work) and officially have made it to the Day of the Dead. Outlines will start being made, study groups will be formed, and incessant chatter about one's preparations for finals will be the norm in the hallways.

I have to say that I've had a great semester thus far, have had some nice a-ha moments, and am coping with the fact that social lives will revolve around curriculum-related conversation for a while.

In happier news though, I think I have finally reached the point of having a sufficient amount of cold weather clothing to keep me warm for the winter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sufficient winter wear is always important out east! :)