Wednesday, September 10, 2008

You can call me Miss Shannon.

Today, I had the infamously nerve wracking experience of being called on (a la Socratic Method) in my Civil Procedure class. The funny thing was that it wasn't actually me being called on.

Professor Farnsworth was going over lawsuits and how they would proceed if the case included co-defendants. He looked pensive and as though he was going to call on a victim to answer his questions. Immediately, I felt a strong inclination that my name would be the one he uttered.

"Miss Liu," Farnsworth calmly stated as he looked back into the audience. "Assume we have a car crash between A, B, and C. A is suing B and C. If B wants to bring claims against C, would B have to do this in this case?"

"No, B could bring this in another case."

"Oh, I'm sorry. There are two Miss Liu's in this class. I was actually referring to the Miss Liu in the back. I will get back to you another day." Of course, being the girly girl that I am, I started blushing nervously to my little foible.

Unfortunately, the other Miss Liu got a little confused between FRCP Rule 13(g) and 14, leading her to fumble on the answer. Farnsworth then said, "Miss Liu in the front. Since you have already been embarrassed, directing this question to you will only be of marginal embarrassment."

Thankfully, I was able to gracefully answer the question with appropriate reasoning and realize that maybe my dreams of being called Miss Shannon will finally be a necessary action.


Lauren :) said...

awwww! Well I'm glad you got the question right :)

Sandra said...

hahah that's awesome! Nice job on the correct answer =)

obsessica said...

hehe, nice job! reading that made me chuckle. I love hearing stories about law school. Tell me more!
-Jessica (from loveboat!)