Monday, October 17, 2011

13.1 done

I guess my pattern of running races is a little counterintuitive.

My first race ever was a marathon (Walt Disney World in January 2010). My second was the Nike Women's half marathon in San Francisco, which was yesterday. My third will be a 10K in the Bronx this Thanksgiving. It doesn't really make sense because I never worked myself up, but it seems to have worked so far for me.

Being able to run a race is a bit enthralling because you experience physical pain, start to get mentally tired, yet know that you can and will cross the finish line. It's an exciting build up where you interact with thousands of other runners, see the kindness of many volunteers on the course, and challenge your body. I can't say that I even actually enjoy running as a recreational sport, but I love participating in road races. Getting to your runner's high can be an amazing feeling where you truly understand what your body is capable of...that currently takes me about 10-12 miles to get to.

The only problem I find though is a the post-race depression that I feel...okay, maybe it isn't as severe as depression, but I get this sense of loss and emptiness. This is a well-documented phenomenon of working toward this goal, completing it and then not really knowing what to work for or what is next. I guess my only recourse is to keep up for the next race. Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to train for Nike Women's, but still did well considering that. I guess my take home message from this race is that with adequate training and time, I can improve even more and that is hopeful, right? :)

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