Sunday, February 8, 2009

it's all coming together

I have to say that this past week has been an amazing one.

First, I moved to my new apartment, which is ALL my own. It is exciting to have my own place to come home to everyday. This definitely was a change that I needed for myself.

I was called on in Maclin's Constitutional Law class and he said I was absolutely right about an answer. He barely gives people that sense of validation so that was pretty exciting.

I finalized my plans for scuba classes so that I can get my open water certification in the Caribbean this spring break. This is probably the most extreme thing I have ever done.

My summer (unpaid) employment plans have been finalized! I will be a judicial intern for Federal Magistrate Judge Bernard Zimmerman in San Francisco. I'm really excited about this opportunity to work in the United States District Court and also to go home for the summer.

This month in general will be busy with Legal Follies coming up and the brief for Moot Court due, but I am enthusiastic.

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